Points Of Juxtaposition began in 2008 when a group of African-American Artist decided to come together to have a dynamic show of artistry. The first show was held at Salisbury University's Fulton Gallery, Salisbury, Maryland. The show was a huge success with more than 70 works of art on display and over 270 patrons in attendance at the opening. The group of artists are all life-long friends who live in various areas of the Delmarva Peninsula. Bringing together a collection of over 250 years of experiences and insightful excursions into multiple points of view.
Like the points of a compass, each artist represents their unique perspective from life in America and from an older African consciousness. The artists of Points of Juxtaposition have directed their brushes, styles, camera lenses, and computer mice at the social ills, beauty, history, and place of African-Americans in this country. Their works include: oils, watercolors, prints, photography, ceramics, mixed media, and sculpture. They will ignite, as well as, entertain your senses with a deep awareness of cultural, spiritual, and professional identity.